cd – bassooka

1King Dear 00:57 IIIIIIII (number of basses)
2Verloren 04:44 IIIIII
3-10part 1 06:50 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
 part 2 02:16
 part 3 01:25
 part 4 01:15
 part 5 02:41
 part 6 02:19
 part 7 02:42
 part 8 01:38
11Two hands 04:41 II
12Gamelan 02:45 IIIIIIIIIII
13Feld-Weg-Rot 07:29 IIIIII
14Nardis 05:12 I
15Neige Grave V 04:11 IIIIII

total time: 50:17

voted among the 5 best Jazz records of the year 2001 by PROFIL, an Austrian weekly
All music by Peter Herbert ©2001 Peter Herbert SESAC/AKM, aziza publishing NYC, except ‚Nardis‘ by Miles Davis/Musical Frontiers BMI.
All basses played by Peter Herbert exept the percussion grooves in ‚Filmrequiem‘ played by Steve Shehan and John Mettam on Peter Herbert’s bass.
All sounds on this CD created on Peter Herbert’s bass.

Music for 1- 16 Basses
AZM 1003
release date: Oct. 31 st 2001

Price: US Orders $15.00 Price: European Orders €18.00
Shipping and Handling   €3.00 for first CD, €1.00 for each additional CD

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